

SPT Wins 11 Daytime Emmy® Awards!



图为梅赫迈特•奥兹医生(Dr. Mehmet Oz)上台领取信息类脱口秀最佳主持人奖时发表获奖感言。

图为女演员玛丽•贝思•伊万思(Mary Beth Evans)凭借其在《我们的日子》出演上台领取一支玫瑰和艾美最佳女主角奖

图为女演员杰西卡•柯林斯(Jessica Collins)凭借其在《不安分的青春》出演的角色获得艾美最佳女配角奖后发表获奖感言

图为女演员特鲁•奥布莱恩(True O'Brien)凭借其在电视剧《我们的日子》中的出演获得艾美最佳青年女演员奖


• 信息类脱口秀最佳主持人(Outstanding Informative Talk Show Host):
梅赫迈特•奥兹医生(Dr. Mehmet Oz), 《奥兹医生秀》(The Dr. Oz Show)

• 剧情类最佳女主角(Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series):
玛丽•贝思•伊万思(Mary Beth Evans), 《我们的日子》(Days of Our Lives)

• 剧情类最佳女配角(Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series):
杰西卡•科林斯(Jessica Collins), 《不安分的青春》(The Young and the Restless)

• 剧情类最佳青年女演员(Outstanding Younger Actress in a Drama Series):
特鲁•奥布莱恩(True O'Brien), 《我们的日子》Days of Our Lives


• 最佳游戏类节目导演(Outstanding Directing in a Game Show):
凯文•麦卡锡(Kevin McCarthy), 《危险边缘》(Jeopardy!)

• 剧情类最佳艺术指导/布景/场景设计奖(Outstanding Art Direction/Set Decoration/Scenic Design for a Drama Series):
《不安分的青春》(The Young and the Restless)

• 剧情类最佳灯光指导奖(Outstanding Lighting Direction for a Drama Series):
《不安分的青春》(The Young and the Restless)

• 剧情类最佳音乐指导和创作奖(Outstanding Music Direction and Composition for a Drama Series):
《我们的日子》(Days of Our Lives)

• 剧情类最佳发型设计奖(Outstanding Hairstyling for a Drama Series):
《不安分的青春》(The Young and the Restless)

• 剧情类最佳化妆奖(Outstanding Makeup for a Drama Series):
《不安分的青春》(The Young and the Restless)

• 最佳特技协调奖(Outstanding Stunt Coordination):
《不安分的青春》(The Young and the Restless)
